NordicHouse helps Ukrainian company

NordicHouse helps Clear Energy Group, one of the leading companies in Ukraine in renewable energy sector and waste management to start business in Poland. The Group’s vast experience allows company to develop renewable energy projects abroad. The company produces over 100 million kWh annually of green energy. Facilities are located in 17 cities of Ukraine.

The Group can be investor, co-investor in the projects and is ready to provide services on the conditions of Operation and Maintenance Agreements in following fields:

  • Production of electricity and heat from biomass and biogas using various technologies
  • Landfill degassing and production of electricity from landfill gas
  • Implementation of agro-biogas production projects and purification of biogas to the level of biomethane
  • Implementation of wood chip gasification projects and production of heat and electricity from wood gas
  • Production of electricity and heat from RDF (refuse-derived fuel (RDF))
  • Installation and construction services for various projects as subcontractors or EPC contractors
  • Construction of medium voltage transmission lines

Clear Energy Group  group builds and operates bio-thermal power plants, central heating boiler houses, biogas plants and biomass gasification stations, landfill sites.

  • Since the year of foundation (2015) the company implemented 20 renewable energy projects in Ukraine with total installed capacities: 26 MW el. and more than 100 MW thermal
  • Annual electricity production by the end of 2021 was more than 118 million kWh and constantly increasing
  • The number of employees increased from 5 people (mid-2015) to more than 700 people, half of whom are employed in the field of renewable energy and the other in the field of waste management
  • The first stage of the pilot project on gasification of fuel chips has been successfully implemented
  • The Group conducts operation and maintenance of two landfill sites in Odessa and Ternopil

Central heating projects

  • After sharp increase of the natural gas prices the Group defined the next direction of development in implementation of projects on the construction of boiler houses that replaces the gas with renewable energy sources
  • The current Group’s total installed capacity of heating projects is more than 100 MW
  • The Group has put into operation the boiler house on fuel wood chips in Slavutych with installed capacity 10.5 MW thermal
  • Commissioned in 2022 boiler house in Chernihiv with installed capacity 9 MW thermal and now generates heat for resident houses and other consumers
  • Commissioned in 2022 the first stage of boiler house in Zhytomyr: installed capacity 12 MW thermal. Now generates heat for resident houses and other consumers
  • Other facilities as subcontractor in 2020-2023 more than 70 MW thermal

Municipal solid waste landfill degassing projects

The company is actively implementing projects for the degassing of landfill sites and the production of landfill gas (biogas). Clear Energy is Ukraine’s leading company that manages landfill gas and operates biogas plants.

Cities in Ukraine: Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Kryvyi Rih (2 objects), Ivano-Frankivsk, Lutsk, Khmelnitsky, Kremenchuk, Poltava, Kherson, Bila Tserkva, Dnipro, Odessa, Ternopil, Lviv. By now, 15 plants have been commissioned that successfully generate and sell electricity to the grid at a feed-in tariff (0,1239 EURO per kW).

These projects were implemented in short terms not exceeding 4 months each.