Meeting with Finish consortium, IHDA

NordicHouse met on 01/12/2022 at the Embassy of Finland in Warsaw with the Finnish consortium of 7 leading companies specializing in the construction and renovation of hospitals, the Integrated Hospital Design Alliance (IHDA). During the meeting, representatives of the consortium presented plans related to starting operations in Poland and stated that NordicHouse and SPCleantech, of which NordicHouse is the coordinator, could be great Polish partners.

Companies specializing in the design and construction of Finnish hospitals have jointly initiated the Integrated Hospital Design Alliance (IHDA) project, which promotes the export of high-quality technical and functional expertise in the design of Finnish hospitals to Europe.

Internationally pioneering Finnish hospital design expertise is exported to Europe through an alliance of expert and service design experts, architects and master designers, HVAC designers, builders and project management experts.

Leading hospital design companies Granlund, AINS Group, Nordic Healthcare Group, architects AW2 and Integrated Healthcare Design were involved in the Integrated Hospital Design Alliance (IHDA). Architects Vison and K2S joined the project as new companies in August 2022. All companies have experience in major hospital projects in Finland in the 2000s.

The aim of the IHDA project is to build awareness and interest in the technical and functional design knowledge of Finnish hospitals, which was developed to the highest level during the reform of Finnish hospitals in 2010. The aim is also to offer Finnish expertise for the construction of hospitals and healthcare reform in Europe.

The complementary knowledge of the companies belonging to the alliance supports the comprehensive planning and construction of smart, customer-oriented and functionally efficient hospitals, from the first stages of the project to commissioning and maintenance of hospital facilities.